CLICK HERE to be redirected to Central Japanese-American Community Church's convenient and secure online tithing and giving site, provided by Adventist Giving.



A tithe of everything from the land, whether grain from the soil or fruit from the trees, belongs to the LORD; it is holy to the LORD. Leviticus 27:30 (NIV)



Tithing is a very personal thing - between YOU and God. We get it. At CJAC, nobody judges anyone for any reason, and especially not for what one does or doesn't give. As Christians, we believe EVERYTHING we have comes from God and belongs to Him. Yet God asks that we be obedient in returning merely 10% of our income back to Him. With the economy in the state it's in, returning even 5% may seem steep. 10% could be madness.



Giving or donating to CJAC's church budget and/or the ministries we support, in addition to tithing, is indeed a financial burden for the giver, no doubt. CJAC urges potential givers and donors to prayerfully give. We don't want your money without God's instruction. CJAC has several active ministries you can financially support, in addition to our church budget and building fund. Please pray for God's guidance on where He wants your donation.



Again, we realize that 10%+ of one's income for anyone can be a fortune. It may mean the difference between taking that vacation and staying home this year. Between replacing your old, beat-up car with a more reliable one and bearing with the squeaks and dents for a few more months. It could even prevent you from getting into that house you and your spouse have been dreaming of. But don't be deceived - the church as a whole is in the same boat you are in. Satan and his demons will do everything they can to make you believe that you're the only one that needs that money, or can't spare it, or has a good reason not to tithe. They'll do anything to prevent you from storing treasure in Heaven and keep your focus on this temporary world.



Matthew 6 is a reminder of how God provides, no matter the circumstance. God wants to bless us, and He blesses the obedient abundantly. Though at times tithing and donating can be rough, take comfort in the promise from God in the following passage:

Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this,” says the LORD Almighty, “and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it. Malachi 3:10 (NIV)




So you decide: Is a tenth (or more) of your income worth more than blessings from the 'floodgates of heaven'?

Be blessed




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